


MAGBIO offers a different way for personal care, enhancing everyone’s beauty through what nature offers, respecting environment and, above all, our body: our products are designed not only to work on the skin to treat blemishes but to enhance mood and make us feel better too; we think it is necessary to keep some time, every day, for our beauty routine which must become a true healthy ceremonial. In MAGBIO is contained all the love, the passion and learning carried on since years.



Every single one of our cosmetics is a little artifact made with care and knowledge: raw materials are chosen based on environmental sustainability and effectiveness of the active agents on our skin: unlike so many industrial products, our lotions and serums are rich, at maximum levels, in beneficial components for our body. Every ingredient reported on the label is naturally sourced: we do not use mineral oils, parabens, petrolatum and paraffins. Every single one of our products is both vegetarian and vegan.

Original line

This first wave is composed of facial lotions and serums studied and formulated to be applied on every type of skin: the right combination of one (or more) cream and a serum allows you to satisfy even the most demanding skin. The five creams are formulated with active agents and plant extracts that act strategically depending on skin type (normal skin, dry skin, greasy skin, mixed skin) and user’s age: our anti-age products are formulated to act effectively as both anti-wrinkle effect and antioxidant, and as precautionary aging blemishes. The three serums represent a condensed mix of active agents to use together with our creams to maximize the beneficial and healthy effect.


Moisturizing face cream with malva and vitamin f for dry skin


Face cream with aloe and snail slime for normal skin


Elasticizing face cream with hyaluronic acid and minerals


Face cream with cucumber and tea tree oil for impure skin


Anti-wrinkle cream with rose and orchid


Serum for sensitive skin with donkey milk and snail slime


Anti-wrinkle filler serum with hyaluronic acid, acmella and minerals


Serum for impure skin with fomes officinalis

Risplendi line

Shine with your own natural beauty with the new MAGBIO RISPLENDI line! Designed to brighten skin spots and avoid their formation. These products even out skin tone and make the skin elastic, bright and radiant.


Anti-stain serum with licorice and vitamin c


Anti-stain scrub with licorice and vitamin c


Anti-stain mask with licorice and vitamin c


Notizie e suggerimenti eco-friendly, consigli di beauty routine e rubriche informative.

Cos’è’ La bardana (Arctium lappa) è una pianta appartenente alla famiglia delle Asteraceae. Ha una predisposizione naturale alla crescita spontanea e in Italia è diffusa un po’ in tutta la penisola. Proprietà È una pianta molto utilizzata in fitoterapia per le proprietà diuretiche e diaforetiche.......

Cos’è Il Cetriolo (Cucumis Sativus) è un ortaggio appartenente alla famiglia delle Cucurbitacee, originario dell’Himalaya e composto da acqua, potassio, calcio, fosforo, carboidrati e vitamina C. In Italia viene coltivato principalmente in Puglia, Lazio e Veneto. Proprietà Il cetriolo possiede innumerevoli proprietà benefiche. Essendo ricco......

Cos’è L’orchidea appartiene alla famiglia botanica delle Orchidaceae, che comprende un elevato numero di specie, generi e varietà sia spontanee che coltivate. Generalmente queste piante sono originarie delle zone umide della fascia intertropicale, dall’Indonesia al Messico, ma alcune specie crescono spontaneamente anche nelle piccole radure......

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